Occupational Accident (Occ/Acc) With Contingent Liability & True Workers’ Compensation.
While workers’ compensation provides coverage in case of accidents and injuries sustained by your employees, occupational accident insurance provides similar benefits to independent contractors driving for you.
It is not uncommon for qualified independent contractors to attempt to collect workers’ compensation benefits as an employee. Some may have no insurance, while others are simply trying to “double-dip.” When this happens, you have to defend against the fraudulent workers’ comp claim or pay it. Contingent liability insurance, however, handles the driver claim before it gets to your workers’ comp, so you aren’t drawn into costly legal proceedings and the chances of an audit that this type of workers’ comp claim could trigger is eliminated.
We can work with you to determine what coverage best fits your needs. We’ll walk you through the process, every step of the way, to make sure you have the protection you need for peace of mind.
Our Partner Carriers.